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Dive into the Tech World and Turn Your Ideas into the Next Big Digital Revolution.
So, lets be real. Learning React is hardto use.
Over the past few years, React has become a “must-have” skill for front-end developers. Just about every job posting lists it as a pre-requisite!
If you have tried to learn React, though, you know it can be confusing and overwhelming. Theres just so much to know, and most of the tutorials out there assume a ton of prior knowledge and context.
Maybe you have gotten stuck in tutorial hell, following tutorial after tutorial without ever making tangible progress, like a mouse on a running wheel. You have built so many dang “Todo list” apps now, and yet when you try to build your own project, you dont know where to start.
You want to learn React, but you have struggled. 😬
I want to help.
For the past two years, I have been hard at work building the ultimate beginner-friendly React course.
The Joy of React is an interactive course. You wont just sit and watch me code. There are tons of exercises, real-world-inspired projects, and fun mini-games and activities. Its not like any other course you have taken before.
We learn React from the ground up, building a robust mental model we can use to understand React and solve hard problems. I will share the dozens of epiphanies I have had after almost a decade of professional React experience.
We won’t just learn about React, either; we cover everything you need to know to succeed as a React developer, including modern JavaScript syntax, along with a ton of helpful community tools and packages.
The truth is, React is a joyto use.
Once you get the hang of it, React is a dream. I have tried most popular JS frameworks, and nothing else makes me feel as empoweredas React.
I care a lot about the user experience, including things like performance, accessibility, polish. Getting this stuff right is not easy.But the React community has stepped up, and there are so many wonderful solutions we can leverage.
We first need to build a rock-solid foundation, to truly understand React conventions and best practices. Then, we will see how “secret weapon” community packages extend our reach.
This is a recipe foruninterrupted flow state.Its pure joy, and I want you to experience it.
Let me tell you how The Joy of React will make it so.


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Module 1

Introduction to Web Development

Begin your journey into web development with this extensive module, where you will master HTML—the foundational language of the internet.

You will learn to build and structure web pages with precision and artistic flair, from simple text formatting to embedding multimedia elements.

Engage with hands-on projects like creating a personal portfolio or a small business homepage, ensuring that you have a robust, practical understanding of web standards.

Unlock the door to the digital world and start building your own sites from the ground up with confidence and creativity.

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Module 2

Designing Modern Websites

This module invites you to the intersection of design and functionality, focusing on TailwindCSS for sleek, responsive web interfaces and fundamental UI/UX principles to enhance user satisfaction.

Through engaging lessons and interactive design challenges, you will create everything from an e-commerce site to interactive dashboards.

Learn how to analyze user feedback to iterate on design elements, making websites not only beautiful but also incredibly intuitive and user-friendly.

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Module 3

JavaScript Development and Node.js

This module is meticulously crafted to transform beginners into proficient JavaScript developers, ready to further explore the capabilities of React.

Start with the foundational concepts of JavaScript, including variables, loops, functions, and ES6+ syntax. Progress through to more complex features such as asynchronous programming and event handling.

Alongside JavaScript, get a taste of server-side concepts with an introduction to Node.js, preparing you for seamless integration with React in subsequent modules.

Engage in projects like building interactive web forms and simple data-driven applications.

By the end of this module, you will possess a solid grounding in JavaScript, equipped with the knowledge to handle web projects that are dynamic and responsive.

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Module 4

Advanced Web Applications with React and Next.js

Advance your frontend development skills by mastering React.js and Next.js in this transformative module.

Dive deep into state management, routing, and the creation of scalable web applications.

Develop high-performance applications with server-side rendering and static generation features of Next.js.

Create complex projects such as a multi-user blogging platform or an e-commerce site with SSR to ensure fast loading times and a smooth user experience.

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Module 5

Cross-Platform Mobile Development (plan 2 & 3)

Break into the mobile app market with React Native. This module covers everything from basic mobile components to advanced navigation and state management in mobile environments.

Build and test real-world applications like a location-based service or a booking system that runs flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices.

This training will equip you with the skills needed to design, develop, and deploy professional-grade mobile applications.

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Module 6

Desktop Software Engineering with Tauri (Plan 3)

Discover the cutting-edge technology of Tauri for developing secure, lightweight desktop applications.

This module takes you through the integration of web technologies with native desktop functionalities, offering a unique blend of web efficiency and desktop performance.

Build applications like a custom file explorer or a personalized media player that leverage the security and capabilities of native apps with the flexibility and speed of web development.

Real-world inspired
large Projects
Everything you learn in the modules will be reinforced and solidified in 3 challenging projects, woven between the modules. You will use your newfound skills to build:
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Project 1

Disney+ Media Platform

Develop a frontend media streaming interface inspired by Disney+.

This project will simulate backend interactions using API mocks to display video content, manage user profiles, and handle parental controls.

Focus on crafting a responsive and engaging user interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring a user experience that rivals that of Disney+, all while relying on predefined APIs for dynamic data.

See the project

proj 3

Project 2

Amazon E-commerce Platform

Build a frontend for an e-commerce platform that closely resembles Amazon.

This project will utilize API mocks to display products, manage user carts, and process orders.

Design and implement features like product search, user reviews, and a sophisticated checkout process using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive shopping experience that mimics the Amazon platform without backend database interactions.

See the project

proj 4

Project 3

YouTube platofrm Interface

Create a video sharing platforms frontend, modeled after YouTube.

Use API mocks to handle video uploads, streaming, and user interactions such as comments and likes.

Develop this project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide a rich user interface that supports video content management and social interactions, ensuring a smooth and engaging user experience.

See the project

proj 5

project 4

Mobile Banking App

Develop a highly interactive mobile banking app using React Native, designed to provide users with a seamless and secure banking experience.

This project involves crafting an intuitive interface where users can easily navigate through features such as account balances, transaction histories, and quick funds transfers.

By focusing exclusively on frontend development, this app aims to deliver a realistic banking application experience, showcasing your ability to create complex user interfaces that are both functional and visually appealing.

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Project 5

Food Delivery App

Build a vibrant and user-friendly food delivery app interface.

This project will challenge you to design a dynamic browsing experience where users can explore restaurant options, customize orders, and simulate the food ordering process.

Utilize React Native to develop this engaging application, emphasizing the designs responsiveness and ease of use.

Perfect for demonstrating how well-designed applications can improve user satisfaction and retention.

Emoji with all lights offEmoji with light 1Emoji with light 2Emoji with light 3
Discover the unbridled joy of
Building with React
Join 302 developerswho have refined their intuition for React with this course. Your journey begins today.
proj 6
Basic Package
Develop a deep intuition for React, and use it to build rich, dynamic, well-architected full-stack web applications.
349,000 IQD
Join Now
Access to the first 4 modules
Exclusive Telegram community
Certificate of Completion
Tailwindcss `Design sites Like a Pro`
React.js `build web apps`
Next.js `build advanced web apps`
Project: Movie platform like Disney
Project: E-commerce platform like Amazon
Project: Video platform like Youtube
proj 6
proj 6
proj 6
proj 6
Ultimate Package
Develop a deep intuition for React, and use it to build rich, dynamic, well-architected full-stack web applications.
499,000 IQD
Join Now
Access all modules
Exclusive Telegram community
Certificate of Completion
3 bonus features, listed below
Tailwindcss `Design sites Like a Pro`
React.js `build web apps`
Next.js `build advanced web apps`
React Native `build mobile apps`
Tauri `build Windows and mac apps`
Project: Movie platform like Disney
Project: E-commerce platform like Amazon
Project: Video platform like Youtube
Project: Mobile Banking App
Project: Food Delivery App
Includes all modules and projects
proj 6
Pro Package
Develop a deep intuition for React, and use it to build rich, dynamic, well-architected full-stack web applications.
399,000 IQD
Join Now
Access to the first 5 modules
Exclusive Telegram community
Certificate of Completion
Tailwindcss `Design sites Like a Pro`
React.js `build web apps`
Next.js `build advanced web apps`
React Native `build mobile apps`
Project: Movie platform like Disney
Project: E-commerce platform like Amazon
Project: Video platform like Youtube
Project: Mobile Banking App
Project: Food Delivery App
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